Evaluating the ongoing return on investment in User Experience improvements in business critical applications used by employees at Glaxosmithkline
GlaxoSmithKline had 42 applications meant to provide a vast variety of services to its employees.
These applications included Continuity Planning and Pharmaceutical Tools which were used to fulfill various capabilities. The applications had undergone a series of experience optimization and there was a need to evaluate outcomes. This was done through user research conducted over a period of 2 years.
Role and Approach
Working as an extension of the core team, research was structured, executed, analyzed and presented over a series of studies
Performed heuristic reviews to identify alignment with best practices ahead of conducting usability testing
Developed study plans, test protocols, data logging and analysis and recommendations for over 20 studies
Reduced task time
Decreased time to find 8 key self-service applications by 65%
Improved performance
Reduced load time from 4 to 1.2 seconds
Improved rating
Increased Nielsen Norman Usability Intranet Design Annual ranking from 27th to 11th place.